We know Hearing Loss ...
We live it!
Hearing Connections are proudly Australian owned & operated

Providing people with hearing loss, or who are deaf, with the technology and support they need to be independent.
NDIS Registered Provider Number: 4050070646

Prevalence of hearing loss ...
According to a reputable report from Access Economics:
1 in 6 people living in Australia currently experience some form of hearing loss
This is expected to increase to 1 in 4 by 2050
Today's numbers:
Over 50% of people over the age of 50 have hearing loss
This increases to 66% for those over 60
It increases even further to 74% for those over the age of 70
Hearing Connections | Products and Services
Personal / Individual

Hearing Augmentation for Public Buildings

Education Sector | Soundfield Systems

You Can't Ask That – Series 4 – Deaf
"You Can't Ask That" is a television series that airs on the ABC.
Our Bec Stewart took part in this most interesting and informative discussion on dealing with deafness.


Hearing Connections | About us
Hearing Connections' Managing Director, Andrew Stewart knows both sides of the story – he lives the experience every day! Andrew has worn hearing aids since age 7 and now wears two cochlear implants. Furthermore he has two hearing impaired children.
For over 30 years, Andrew's technical qualifications have enabled him to specialise in Hearing Augmentation Systems (hearing loop, FM, and infrared systems) as well as Soundfield and public address systems.